Become a magnet for your ideal prospects in 6 weeks



With this program, you will receive the support and guidance you need, both within the LA UNIDAD app environment and outside of it, to create a clear message and plan to attract your ideal prospects.

In the app:

Teaching materials

Outside the app:

Weekly 1-on-1 telephone conversation to discuss progress
Unlimited support via Whatsapp

If you register before the end of January 2024, we can do a kick-off in the Netherlands in the first week of February.

After 6 weeks you will have:

A good picture of your ideal prospects (or your ideal customer profile, or your ICP)
A one-liner
Call2Actions that encourage your prospects to take action
A step-by-step plan that guides your prospects to the solution you offer them
An improved website
Do you know how to monitor your website visitors?
Larger database
An email series to get started with email marketing

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Would you like to see our space before joining? Come and visit our coworking space. Please fill out the form and our manager will get back asap.