Business Breakfast Buffet / Desayuno Buffet

30 november 2023

10:00 AM - 11:59 AM

LA UNIDAD coworking space, Calle el Chorrillo 9, Vejer de la Frontera

6 euros

English below

Desayuno buffet

Pan y croissants recién horneados, fruta fresca, yogur griego, muesli, limonadas y haz tus propios poffertjes holandeses (pequeños panqueques).

Café y conversaciones

Toma algo de comida, un café, un té o incluso un chocolate caliente y conéctate con otros emprendedores. Comparta ideas, conocimientos y tal vez incluso colabore en el próximo proyecto.

Coworking y Stroopwafels 12.00-18.00h

Siéntete libre de quedarte el resto del día y trabajar mientras disfrutas de un gofre holandés.

Reserva tu plaza haciendo clic en RESERVAR, y rellena el formulario.

Después de recibir su reserva, se enviará un enlace de pago. Su lugar se confirma una vez que recibimos su pago.


Breakfast Buffet

Freshly baked bread and croissants, fresh fruit, greek yoghurt, muesli, lemonades, and make your own Dutch poffertjes (little pancakes).

Coffee & conversations

Grab some food, a coffee, tea or even a hot chocolate, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs. Share ideas, insights, and maybe even collaborate on a future project.

-> Get help with applying for your NIE: we’ll book an appointment together, and get the paperwork done.

Coworking & Stroopwafels 12.00-18.00h

Feel free to stay the rest of the day, and get some work done while enjoying a Dutch stroopwafel.

Reserve your spot for the Breakfast Buffet by clicking on RESERVAR, and fill in the form. 

To avoid food waste, registration is much appreciated. After receiving your reservation, a payment link will be sent. Your spot is confirmed once your payment is received.



Join our event. Please fill out the form and our manager will get back asap.


let's chat

Would you like to see our space before joining? Come and visit our coworking space. Please fill out the form and our manager will get back asap.